Le Havre (France)


The representatives of the "Homme, Sociétés, Risques et Territoire" Doctoral School are pleased to announce the organization of the 4th edition of the Doctoral School Day, to be held at the University of Le Havre on March 22, 2024. Organized by and for doctoral students, this event will be an opportunity to present your research work on the theme of "TOMORROW". Building on three previous editions (Territoire, Risques and Habiter), this year we're exploring our research topics through temporality (yesterday, today and tomorrow).

The day will be an opportunity for participants to exchange ideas with other young researchers, develop collaborations between the disciplines making up our ED (architecture, geography, psychology, neuroscience, sociology, education and training, STAPS) and share critical reflections on the societal, environmental and technological issues affecting the human and social sciences. In this way, all forms of research, whether fundamental, prospective, applied, experimental or participatory, whether concerned with the past or the present, contribute to thinking about what makes the future.

Registration by videoconference (write videoconference in cocktail) until March 21 - 2pm.

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