Abstracts > Presentation format
Feedback to communicators in progress.
- New this year: inter-lab presentations (15 min). How does it work? You write down the main themes of your research here (https://lite.framacalc.org/sujet-inter-labo-a3z0) and find 1 or 2 PhD students with whom you'd like to work on a topic that brings you together. This new communication experiment aims to develop links between laboratories while tackling a scientific question. These inter-lab communications are also open to Axes 1 and 2. For further details, contact representant.doctorant_ed556@listes.univ-rouen.fr
- Oral presentation (15 min): Format for doctoral students enrolled in their second year or more:
- short, clear title of paper
- summary of the proposal for your paper, a few bibliographical references (maximum 2500 signs, including spaces, approx. ½ page) and keywords
- full name and year of registration
- research unit
- focus of the paper (optional, to be added at the beginning of the abstract)
- co-authors
- Oral presentation (3 min): based on a slide, you have 180 seconds to present your thesis topic in keeping with the theme of the day (format reserved for doctoral students in their first year).
- Posters: in A0 format, you can present your work in poster form, in keeping with the theme of the EDD. At the end of the EDD, we plan to put together a circulating exhibition of all the posters at our three universities.